All India Institute of Para Medical(AIIPM) is registered by Govt of India under S.R. act 1860 for complimentary medicine . AIIPM runs affiliation program and Manage educational institutions, schools, colleges, technical educational institutes in any field of science, medical or commerce etc and to admit students in its Institutions irrespective of race, class, caste, creed or sex and to provide concessional education and health care to all human and economically weaker sections of society in their Affliated Institute at district/Teh level. AIIPM contact the Examination after finish year/ Semester and then provide certificate/ diploma to qualified person.
To maintain run and improve schools and colleges in Paramedical College medical education and voluntary education and assist other institutions, laboratories, boarding houses, centers and bodies providing higher technical, medical or cultural education to award scholarships, books aid and such other allied assistance to poor and deserving students as this necessary to enable them to receive proper education and do all such connecting things as deemed necessary to promo education